Help Community Cares raise funds by participating in the the 11th annual Basketball Shootout hosted by the Carmel Rotary Club and the Carmel High School Interact Club. It will be held on Saturday, March 3 from 9 a.m. to noon at Carmel High School gym on Fair Street Carmel.
Each participant is given two minutes to shoot baskets (lay-ups). The total number of baskets made, times the pledge per basket, plus the total of flat donations equals the amount due from each sponsor. Example: with a pledge of 20¢ per basket and 40 completed baskets, the donation will be $8.00. OR A person can pledge a flat amount of $1.00, $2.00, $5.00 or more. (Flat amount pledges can be collected right away because the total is not dependent upon the number of baskets made.)
Community Cares receives 90% of the funds raised in its name.
Fifteen minutes – that ‘s all it takes – come, participate and take advantage of a wonderful opportunity and an easy way to raise funds for Community Cares.