Community Cares Facts
An Idea
The idea for Community Cares was sparked when I was diagnosed with breast cancer in February 2005. I remember getting my first few cancer treatments just about the time of the Relay for Life, a wonderful and worthy cause. I remember sitting there wearing my wig for the first time, almost unable to finish the survivor’s lap thinking, all this money going to some big corporation or research corporation when there are moms and dads right here who can’t be here, who can’t carry on their own daily routine because they are fighting for their lives. I had to leave after the survivor’s lap.
Just Being a Mom
When you are diagnosed with a major disease, you are unsure about the future, but your first thought is for your children. How to care for them, how to tell them, how can you still continue like you need to. It’s difficult to manage a household when you are healthy, imagine how much more difficult when you are sick. If you have small children, just think about how busy your day is. How much your children depend on you for everything. Imagine being so sick you can’t get out of bed for three months, but still have to care for children, manage a household, cook dinner, do laundry. A mother’s job is tough under the best circumstances, just imagine doing the hardest job under the toughest conditions.
Support Network
When I was diagnosed, my friends and family were right there bringing food when I had chemo, my mother was with me everyday after surgery doing laundry, my mother-in-law was there anytime I had a doctor’s appointment or chemo treatment, taking care of the kids, making a pot of soup, or folding laundry. There are others who may not have the support some have. I spoke to other survivors who had no one to help them. One lady I heard from actually asked another mom to help with meals during her chemo, and was flatly refused. Others I have spoken with had no family, friends or support network.
“Let me know if there’s anything I can do….”
For others diagnosed with a major illness, people really want to help, but often don’t know what to do. It is so easy when you are diagnosed to say, “I’m fine, I don’t need anything” because you don’t feel comfortable asking someone to get your kids off the bus or help do laundry, clean your bathrooms or change your sheets. These are big jobs when you are sick.
When you have your health you take all these things for granted. When you are sick, you realize how wonderful it is to take care of your family. You appreciate being able to do things most people take for granted.
What do families need?
When a person is faced with a major medical crisis, there are many things to consider, especially when there are children involved. When mom or dad is faced with a health crisis, the first thing they consider is often “How can I care for my family?” Often, even the most basic everyday needs are the most difficult. Preparing meals, shopping, doing laundry, cleaning bathrooms, changing sheets, all become daily challenges.
What does Community Cares provide?
Our sponsors provide gift cards from local restaurants as well as DoorDash, UberEats and other meal delivery services. For families, they provide laundry services, cleaning services, and personal services to help during the toughest of times. Community Cares pools all these resources and helps to support families with children the support they need when faced with the uncertainty of a cancer diagnosis, or other illness.
Who are the sponsors?
Community Cares sponsors donate or provide discounted services to our clients. Our sponsors are local businesses ready to help local families. Their services include laundry wash and fold services, house cleaning services and family meals prepared by some of our best restaurants and delis. Community Cares functions as a facilitator and does not prepare any meals, do any cleaning or laundering.
What if I’m interested in your services?
Please give us a call. We will then meet with you to do a needs assessment. We will discuss with you how much or how little you may require. We will sit down and discuss your needs with you and your family. Our volunteers, sponsors and employees are sensitive to your needs and will keep your services confidential.
Who does Community Cares help?
We specifically help those families going through a medical crisis who have school-aged children. It may be a breast cancer diagnosis, an MS relapse, or other type of major illness that makes it difficult to manage a family. Our services are only temporary. We will reassess each family every 3 months.
How much do your services cost?
All our services are provided free of charge for our clients. We therefore rely on the generosity of donations from individuals and businesses in our community to provide this necessary service for our clients. With a cancer diagnosis comes uncertainty, we will help provide some stability.
With a cancer diagnosis, you may feel overwhelmed by what lies ahead, we will help you .
I know someone who needs help…
You can nominate a friend or family member who you think needs help. Often times, friends, neighbors, or even family members are not sure what to do to help someone. When dealing with a cancer diagnosis, many families don’t know what to expect. That’s where Community Cares can help. We will help determine what you may need and reassess as your needs change. You have all the control, we provide the services. You tell us how much or how little. When nominating someone, please consider making a donation in their honor, so you can be sure all services are available. Even if you have a large support network helping you, if you are going through chemotherapy or another invasive treatment, you often can’t or don’t want to speak to everyone who wishes to help. When you have others cooking or dropping off meals, they don’t know what anyone else is making and you.